Victor Vale's profile

Entrerios | Mapeamento de Comunidades Amazônicas

(Português) Descobrindo EntreRios: Uma Jornada pela Amazônia Oriental
(English) Discovering EntreRios: A Journey through the Eastern Amazon
Proposta de Valor: Entrerios é um projeto de mapeamento de comunidades tradicionais localizadas em rios da Amazônia Oriental. Essa operação surgiu a partir da necessidade de exportar a real cultura da Amazônia e seus povos nativos reais.

Value Proposition: EntreRios is a mapping project of traditional communities located along the rivers of the Eastern Amazon. This initiative emerged from the need to export the true culture of the Amazon and its indigenous peoples."
The Problem: 
Despite the rich cultural and artisanal wealth of traditional communities in the Amazon region, many of them face serious challenges of cultural and economic disconnection.
Due to the lack of visibility and limited access to the global market, this problem is exacerbated.
This problem is compounded by the lack of effective platforms that promote the culture and products of these communities in an authentic and sustainable way.
Existing initiatives often lack technological resources and marketing strategies to reach a broader audience and provide significant economic benefits to the communities involved.
The Solution: Connecting the World to the Amazon 
EntreRios is an innovative digital platform that maps and promotes communities along the rivers of the Eastern Amazon, connecting them with the world in an authentic and sustainable way. 

Cultural Visibility: Detailed mapping of communities allows their stories, traditions, and ways of life to be shared globally. 

Market Access: Integrated e-commerce enables communities to sell their artisanal products directly to consumers. 

Environmental Preservation: By highlighting sustainability practices and the importance of environmental conservation in the areas where they live, EntreRios contributes to the protection of the environment and natural resources.
Product Features

Virtual tour - Users will be able to explore the rivers and tributaries of the Amazon through an immersive, interactive, and content-rich experience.

Cataloged Communities - The project maps and catalogs the traditional communities present along the rivers of the Amazon.

Streaming - Mini documentaries produced to showcase local traditional knowledge and cultures for export.

E-commerce - Integration of artisanal products produced by communities cataloged in the project.

Entrerios | Mapeamento de Comunidades Amazônicas


Entrerios | Mapeamento de Comunidades Amazônicas
